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Ivana Bernhard
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Pheromone – They are chasing you

Rainer Wekwerth

The grandiose finale about saving mankind

• Fast-paced, breathless, brimming with surprises: the 3rd volume of the successful trilogy • For all fans of the Netflix series “Stranger Things” and “Dark”

Jake and his hunter friends have prepared everything successfully in the year 2018 so that they can launch into the decisive battle against the aliens a hundred years later. As rebels, they ally with the last non-infected people to play the trump card up their sleeve:

Giovanella, Jake’s granddaughter. She has exceptional DNA and is the only one able to defeat the aliens once and for all – she is the last chance for the whole of humanity!

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Published 2019-01-01 by Thienemann-Esslinger

Main content page count: 400 Pages