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China Publishing Group
Xu Zhang
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Poems of Mao Zedong

Xu Yuanchong

The book includes 63 poems written by Mao Zedong, the founding father of People’s Republic of China. Mao was a poet as well as a revolutionary. There is not one line or one episode in his poems but portrays some soul-stirring, heroic deeds of the Chinese people in their revolutionary struggles. Mao was a man with rich emotions, which he often crystallized into poems, full of vigor and life. To read his poem is to understand him as a man. The translator of these poems is Xu Yuanchong, a distinguished professor in Peking University, author and translator of more than 100 literary works in Chinese, English and French.
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Published by China Publishing Group , ISBN: 9787500140559

Main content page count: 256 Pages

ISBN: 9787500140559