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Volker Reinhardt

The History of the Popes From St. Peter to St. Francis

The popes have seen themselves as guardians of an eternal order. The long-standing continuity of this politico-religious institution is especially fascinating. In his new book, historian Volker Reinhardt argues that the Vatican's proclaimed timeless unchangeability is a fiction, however, and that its very success lies in its capacity to reinvent itself time and again. Discussing every pope in detail, the author does justice to the theological, political and cultural specificities of each pontificate.

After thirty years of research, Volker Reinhardt presents his long-awaited history of Rome and the papacy. In his comprehensive and balanced study, the renowned historian unapologetically relates how Roman bishops imposed their authority over all the other bishops already in antiquity, and how they won over medieval kings and emperors. The author critically looks at the ways in which the popes expanded their sphere of influence as secular rulers, having mainly the enrichment of their families in mind. Countless works of art testify to their all-encompassing claim to power. Most of these were commissioned during the Renaissance and Baroque epochs, when the Vatican's power was already in decline. Even in the 20th century, the papacy has resisted modernity, which is why it is often considered a reactionary institution. As this brilliant study shows, however, the call for reform is as old as the papacy itself.

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Published by C.H.Beck , ISBN: 9783406703812

Main content page count: 928 Pages

ISBN: 9783406703812


Chinese, complex: Owl Publishing House