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Bill, Kristina, Joy Marchese Jane Nelsen

How to Balance, Work, Parenting and Self

Jane Nelsen, co-author of the popular Positive Discipline series, along with Positive Discipline Educators Joy Marchese and Kristina Bill, put forth a new volume for parents looking to make their overburdened lives a little easier.
Families today are pulled in so many different directions, and with the increasing pressure to excel at parenting, home keeping, work, and personal relationships, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and dissatisfied. This targeted Positive Discipline guide gives parents the tools to parent effectively without sacrificing their well-being or giving up on their life goals. With tried and true Positive Discipline communication approaches at their fingertips to aid in work-life integration, moms won't have to feel guilty about leaving their child with a sitter during the day, or leaving work early to go to a soccer game. Attitude is keyif you feel confident in your parenting abilities and trust in your children to help create a happy, successful home, they are more likely to adopt that attitude and develop cooperation skills.

POSITIVE DISCIPLINE FOR TODAY'S BUSY AND OVERWHELMED PARENT includes information on specific tools that can be used for working parents to keep permissive parenting at bay. It will help parents avoid pampering in the name of guilt (for instance, Decide What You Will Do and Take Time for Hugs), as well as tips for parents on how to balance out their "wheel of life" and strategies to keep from being overwhelmed.

JANE NELSEN, Ed.D, coauthor of the bestselling Positive Discipline series, is a licensed marriage, family, and child therapist and an internationally known speaker.

JOY MARCHESE, MA, CPDT, has worked as a trainer, teacher, and parent educator in various schools and corporate settings for over 20 years. In 2015 she launched Positive Discipline UK, spreading Positive Discipline across Europe and the Middle East.

KRISTINA BILL is a certified life coach and fitness instructor, as well as a Positive Discipline parent educator. She specializes in leadership, communication, and personal impact in her corporate work. She started out as an actress and singer, and is a prolific voice-over artist working across television, film, and corporate media.
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Published 2018-09-11 by Harmony


Published 2018-09-11 by Harmony


Chinese (simpl.): Beijing Tianlue Books co. ; Korean: Eduniety Publishing ; Polish: Poztywna Rodzina ; Portuguese: Editora Manole Ltda.