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PRAY FOR ME : The Life and Spiritual Vision of

Robert Moynihan

Pope Francis, First Pope from the Americas

From the founder and editor of Inside the Vatican magazine, the world's most well-informed, comprehensive monthly on the Roman Catholic Church, comes this enlightening introduction to the life and spiritual teachings of Jorge Mario Bergoglio, now Pope Francis, the first Pope of the Americas.
On March, 13, 2013, 115 Cardinals elected for the first time a Pope from outside of Europe. Pope Francis, a native of Argentina, is not just the first Pope from the Southern Hemisphere, he is also the first Jesuit to ever hold the Chair of Peter. This means a bridging of the Northern and Southern hemispheres and religious traditions in a way we've never seen before, signifying a new global vision for the 1.2 billion people who call themselves Catholic. Now a leading expert on the papacy provides the ultimate introduction to this new Pope, including biographical information and an absorbing collection of Jorge Mario Bergoglio most persuasive words. Pope Benedict XVI's retirement made news around the world and has changed the dynamics of Catholic Church in a considerable way. There is already much interest in learning more about the man elected to succeed him and few people have more access to the movers and shakers in the Catholic Church than Robert Moynihan. He is regarded as one of the world's leading Vatican analysts and has, alone, interviewed Pope Benedict XVI more than twenty times. While this book will contain recent information on the conclave and biographical insight into the new Pope's life, the focus of the book will include the Pontiff's teachings on God, Jesus, marriage and family, life, prayer, and religious freedom, to name just a few. Dr. Robert Moynihan is founder and editor of Inside the Vatican magazine. He is also the author of Let God's Light Shine Forth: The Spiritual Vision of Pope Benedict XVI, which sold to Century Hutchinson (UK); Wydawnictwo AA (Poland); Random House Mondadori (Spain); Editions Fides (French Canada).
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Published 2013-04-01 by Image Books