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Mohrbooks Literary Agency
Sebastian Ritscher
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Maria Conejo Zoe Mendelson

A Comprehensive Guide

A rigorously fact checked, funny, accessible, gender-inclusive and fully illustrated guide to the anatomy, history, and sociology of the pussy, written by the creators of the popular website.
There is still a shocking lack of accurate, accessible information about pussies and many esteemed medical sources seem to contradict each other. Pussypedia solves that with extensive reviews of peer-reviewed science that address old myths, confusing inconsistencies, and the influence of gender narratives on scientific research - always in simple, joyful language.

Through over 30 chapters, Pussypedia not only gives the reader information, but teaches them how to read science, how to consider information in its context, and how to accept what we don't know rather than search for conclusions. It also weaves in personal anecdotes from the authors and their friends - sometimes funny, sometimes sad, often cringe-worthy, and always extremely personal - to do away with shame and encourage curiosity, exploration, and agency.

Rigorously researched and fact checked by Harvard Medical School experts on women's health, this book tells anyone with a pussy all of the things they need to know to be healthy. It debunks myths and lays out the facts in a warm, accepting way.
A gift for your shy niece, your angsty teenager, your confused boyfriend, or yourself. Pussypedia is this generation's Our Bodies, Ourselves, with a healthy dose of fun.

Zoe Mendelson: Journalist, information designer, content strategist. Her writing has appeared in Fast Company, WIRED, Hyperallergic, Slate, Next City, the LA Times. Her projects have been covered by The New York Times en Espanol, New York Magazine, CityLab, PBS, Univision, and Buzzfeed. Previous projects include official emojis for Mexico City, a data narrative about drones, and a civic-engagement platform for nihilist millennials. Mendelson studied at Barnard College in New York City.

Maria Conejo: Visual Artist from Fine Arts School in Mexico. Her main media is drawing, her work revolves around female bodies representation. She has been awarded with the national grant FONCA
twice in the program JOVENES CREADORES. She was finalist in the first Biennial of Illustration in Mexico, organized by Pictoline and The New York Times. Her work has been shown at SWAB Art Fair Barcelona, De Kooning Studio in NYC in 2019, at Juxtapoz Club House in Art Basel Miami and Salon Acme 6 Art Fair in Mexico City in 2018.
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Published 2021-08-03 by Hachette Go


Italian: Fabbri ; Spanish (Spain): Larousse ; Spanish (Mexico, Latin America): PRH Mexico ; Russian: AST ; Ukrainian: FLC

Much like this vital organ, the site has both warmth and depth. It doesn't chastise readers for their lack of knowledge but instead takes you by the hand, lays things out and almost hugs you in the process.

This is the women's health resource you've been missing your whole life. Say goodbye to frustrating Google searches about your personal health: A woman-led team has made a website that will answer all your questions.

...a thorough and empowering guide to women's health... Women looking to ditch the shame will find this smart, inclusive, and practical guide the perfect resource. Read more...

In short, everything is talked about without flinching. In English and Spanish, by the way; in a simple, direct, intelligible way. And it's free. Not to miss.