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Shelley Green Douglas Flemons

The Handbook of Brief Sex Therapy

Effective, brief techniques for therapists to support their clients in having satisfying sex lives.
Presenting readers with a refreshing array of efficient, client-focused approaches to sexual problems, Quickies demonstrates that the best sex therapy is often the briefest. As in previous editions, this updated work is rife with effective, brief techniques for therapists to support their clients in having satisfying sex lives. Eight new chapters are included in the third edition, ranging from the impact of the Internet on relationships, to partner violence, cross-cultural perspectives, and Ericksonian hypnosis. Shelley Green, PhD, is Professor of Family Therapy at Nova Southeastern University in Fort Lauderdale, FL. She is a Clinical Fellow with the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT) and a licensed family therapist in the state of Florida. Douglas Flemons, PhD, is Professor of Family Therapy, Clinical Professor of Family Medicine, and Co-Director of the Office of Suicide and Violent Prevention at Nova Southeastern University.
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Published 2018-01-09 by W.W. Norton & Company, Inc. - New York (USA)


Psychotherapists need strategies for addressing the panoply of sexual issues that clients present. Quickies combines useful applications with clear theoretical principles. Topics include cross-cultural perspectives, violence, infidelity, pornography, and LGBTQ relationships. This synergistic assembly of expert voices is a classic text that should be a standard reference on the bookshelf of every clinician.

Romanian: Catharsis Media (3rd Ed.)

Good sex has never seemed so complex and elusive. Thankfully, the Quickies 3 therapist-authors share inspiring and creative clinical wisdom in responding to everything form "bad orgasms" through overcoming porn and infidelity, to finding intimacies despite cross-cultural and gender-fluid differences, and even addressing sexual violence. Drawing from brief approaches to relational therapy, this book teems with helpful ideas and humane practices for addressing today's diverse challenges to intimacy.