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Claire Harris
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Jennifer Harvey

Bringing Up Children in a Racially Unjust America

This New York Times best-selling book is a guide for families, educators, and communities to raise their children to be able and active anti-racist allies.
With a foreword by Tim Wise, Raising White Kids is for families, churches, educators, and communities who want to equip their children to be active and able participants in a society that is becoming one of the most racially diverse in the world while remaining full of racial tensions. For white people who are committed to equity and justice, living in a nation that remains racially unjust and deeply segregated creates unique conundrums.

These conundrums begin early in life and impact the racial development of white children in powerful ways. What can we do within our homes, communities and schools? Should we teach our children to be "colorblind"? Or, should we teach them to notice race? What roles do we want to equip them to play in addressing racism when they encounter it? What strategies will help our children learn to function well in a diverse nation?

Talking about race means naming the reality of white privilege and hierarchy. How do we talk about race honestly, then, without making our children feel bad about being white? Most importantly, how do we do any of this in age-appropriate ways?

While a great deal of public discussion exists in regard to the impact of race and racism on children of color, meaningful dialogue about and resources for understanding the impact of race on white children are woefully absent. Raising White Kids steps into that void.

"Most white Americans didn't get from our own families the concrete teaching and modeling we needed to be active in the work of racial justice ourselves, let alone to feel equipped now to talk about race with and teach anti-racism to our children. There is so much we need to learn and it's urgent that we do so. But the good news is: we can," says Jennifer Harvey.

The Rev. Dr. Jennifer Harvey is a New York Times bestselling and award-winning author, educator and public speaker. Her work focuses on ethics and race, gender, sexuality, activism, spirituality and politicswith particular attention to how religion shows up in these dimensions of our shared social life. Her greatest passion and longtime work, however, persistently and pointedly return to racial justice and white anti-racism. Jen speaks and publishes with numerous academic and public outlets. Her essay Are We Raising Racists? spent nearly a week on the New York Times "ten most read pieces" list. She has written for and appeared on Good Morning America, CNN, NPR, Sojourners on-line, The Conversation and other national media outlets.
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Published 2018-01-16 by Abington Press


Buy this book for yourself, for your children's teachers, for all parents and grandparents of white children who you know. Raising White Kids is both an antidote to the racial ignorance and fear most white families unknowingly pass along to their young and a powerful way to call white adults into the process of racial awakening in the name of creating more just and functional communities for all.

Finally! Jennifer Harvey provides a long-awaited and much-needed answer to a question often posed by white antiracist allies: How do we raise our children to be allies in the struggle against racism? Raising White Kids provides practical advice and examples for parents that are well-grounded in the scholarship on racial identity and racial socialization. It would be a mistake, however, to think that this book is only for parents of white children. It is a critical resource for educators (...)

Required reading. This astounding book has a real shot of changing the conversation on race in America. If you're white and have a kid (or have ever been a kid), please read this book.

Jennifer Harvey's brilliant work and passion for racial justice comes alive on every page. Raising White Kids is a theory-rich, practical guide with wonderfully helpful examples that will equip parents to navigate today's racial challenges with confidence and grace. For the millions of mothers and fathers who are deeply invested in creating a better tomorrow in an increasingly multi-cultural America, Harvey's book couldn't be more helpful or more needed right now.

Jennifer Harvey's Dear White Christians was a wakeup call to white congregations whose good intentions were often undermined by their own blind spots. With Raising White Kids, Harvey offers a much-needed roadmap for white parents who realize that racial injustice isn't just a problem for kids of color. This insightful and practical book is a must-read for white parents who want to raise surefooted, self-aware kids in an increasingly diverse America. There are few things more important to the future of our democracy.