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React Native

Erik Behrends

Develop native apps in parallel for Android and iOS

React Native is an open source framework that lets you develop full-featured native apps with JavaScript across platforms. This framework makes it easier than ever to get started with app development.

React Native is an open source framework that lets you develop full-featured native apps with JavaScript across platforms. This framework makes it easier than ever to get started with app development.

This book shows you how to implement apps in parallel for Android and iOS with a largely uniform code base. All you need is basic programming experience, ideally in JavaScript.

  • Fast introduction: Test your first app on your smartphone in minutes. With the app development tool Expo, you can even develop iOS apps without your own Mac.
  • Practical example app: Develop a diary app in parallel for Android and iOS with typical features such as the integration of photos and the retrieval and display of current weather data for the user's location.
  • Relevant basic knowledge: Understand the basics: The book describes all relevant features of newer JavaScript versions and basic concepts of the framework.
  • Structure and Display of Apps: Get to know important APIs and UI components such as lists and learn how to use the Flexbox layout to create a styling that adapts to different display sizes.
  • Special features of mobile apps: Combine several screens with react-navigation in a suitable navigation structure and gain insight into the handling of touch gestures and animations.
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Published by dpunkt.verlag , ISBN: 9783960090663

Main content page count: 260 Pages

ISBN: 9783960090663