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Dino Zanolli
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Relationship Status: I Love Cookies

Rebekka Gohla

This Is No Manual On How To Be Single

 Young author with great observation skills  Humorous and thoughtful episodes in the life of a young female single

Can you be relaxed and happy as a single or should you panic? Do people really fall in love on Parship every 11 minutes? Are singles allowed on the Ark when the next Flood comes? Rebekka Gohla does not have answers for all these questions but she still has a lot to say. In “Relationship Status: I love Cookies” she reflects humorously and mercilessly on her life as a single, happy and sad moments and the advantages of being single. And is maybe morning sickness contagious and why are there no Au-Pairs for singles. Fact is: dream guys, Jesus, true friendships and embarrassing matchmaking attempts are part of being single. And cookies, of course. 

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Published 2018-01-01 by Brunnen Verlag , ISBN: 9783765543296

Main content page count: 160 Pages

ISBN: 9783765543296