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Jeff Lemire

A literary graphic novel by award-winning, New York Times bestselling author Jeff Lemire about a disgraced, alcoholic Cree hockey player who faces his demons—both those of his violent past and his troubled people.
Derek Fish is totally burnt-out. Used up. A former hockey tough guy, Derek had risen through the minor leagues to play for the New York Rangers, only to throw it all away on booze—that, and a brutal on-ice incident that left him banned from pro-hockey for life. Now, four years later, Derek re- turned to Black River, his hometown in Northern Ontario where he works as a short order cook dur- ing the day and spends his nights drinking at the only bar in town, fighting anyone stupid enough to step into his dark orbit. With his bar fights becoming increasingly bloody and his behavior more erratic, no one—not even his childhood friend, the Sheriff in Black River—can see just how close Derek is to stepping off the edge. But as Derek sits alone in his apartment late one night staring at the jagged edges of a broken beer bottle, and contemplating speeding up his inevitable slide into oblivion, there is a knock at his door: Annie Fish, his long-lost kid sister, has come home. Roughneck is a literary graphic novel about family, hockey, and life in the north, as well as the abuse, neglect and violence that plagues the First Nations. But it’s also a story of cycles: cycles of abuse and also cycles of healing. As Derek and Annie reconnect with one another as adults they also reconnect with their past—both the painful family memories that left them damaged, and the lost ways of their Cree ancestors, which open up a new way of life and a new path of healing for both of them. But when Annie’s bad news ex-boyfriend biker Wade rolls into town, he threatens to drag Annie back into the darkness. Derek is determined to give her a fresh start—even if it means throwing away his new life for one last shot at redemption. Jeff Lemire is New York Times bestselling author of the acclaimed monthly comic book series Sweet Tooth (DC/Vertigo) and Trillium (DC/Vertigo), New York Times bestseller The Underwater Welder (Top Shelf), and the award-winning graphic novel Essex County (Top Shelf)—one of the five Essential Ca- nadian Novels of the Decade. Among other awards, he has been nominated for five Eisner awards and seven Harvey awards. He currently lives with his wife and son in Toronto, where he works.
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Published 2017-04-18 by Gallery 13


It is a pleasure to watch Lemire explore the emotional landscape of lives many prefer to forget—and to demonstrate anew how valuable they are. Read more...

Even as a professional hockey player, Derek Ouelette was just a self-described thug. Now years past his peak, he washes dishes, gets drunk, and beats people up around Pimitamon, the worn-out Canadian town he grew up in. One day, though, his sister arrives, running from an OxyContin addiction and an abusive boyfriend. With Derek in hot water himself, the two retreat to the frozen forests up north. There may never have been a cartoonist whose art reflects his themes and narrative tone so flawlessly as Lemire’s. His characters hunker under an ineffable weight, lines of a hard-lived life carved into their faces like scars, and even his landscapes seem afflicted with a weary anxiety. Nevertheless, there’s beauty here, too, exemplified by an astonishing splash page where the vapor of his characters’ breath mingles with the steam lifting from a recently hunted moose. Atypically, Lemire ends things hopefully and, while the sister’s confrontation with an abusive father feels more authentic than Derek’s showdown with the ex-boyfriend, the story overall offers tremendous emotional satisfaction.