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Mohrbooks Literary Agency
Sebastian Ritscher


Eleanor Herman

While Americans have a reputation for being strait-laced, many of the nation's leaders have been anything but puritanical. Alexander Hamilton had a steamy affair with a blackmailing prostitute. John F. Kennedy swam nude with female staff in the White House swimming pool. Is it possible the qualities needed to run for president - narcissism, a thirst for power, a desire for importance - go hand in hand with a tendency to sexual misdoing?
In this entertaining and eye-opening book, Eleanor Herman revisits some of the sex scandals that have rocked the nation's capital and shocked the public. She asks the provocative questions: does rampant adultery show a lack of character or the stamina needed to run the country? Or perhaps both? While Americans have judged their leaders' affairs harshly compared to other nations, did they mostly just hate being lied to? And do they now clearly care more about issues other than a politician's sex life? What is sex like with the most powerful man in the world? And when America finally elects a female president, will she, too, have sexual escapades in the Oval Office? This striking new work will offer fresh insights into how the country's views on sex and power are changing. Eleanor Herman is the New York Times bestselling author of Sex with Kings, Sex with the Queen, and several other works of popular history. She has hosted Lost Worlds for The History Chan- nel, The Madness of Henry VIII for National Geographic Channel, and America: Fact vs. Fiction for the American Heroes Channel. Herman lives with her husband, their yellow lab, and her four very dignified cats in McLean, Virginia.
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Published 2020-09-01 by William Morrow


...this ribald and richly detailed history entertains.

Thomas Jefferson's sexual relationship with his slave, JFK's extramarital romps in Jackie's bed and Bill Clinton's tryst with Monica Lewinsky: Book details presidential sex scandals including accusations of rape and smutty letters to lovers. New book Sex with Presidents by author Eleanor Herman vows to uncover 'the bedroom secrets' of powerful elected officials... Read more...

When asked what she wants her readers to take away from SEX WITH PRESIDENTS, Herman said the human condition. 'What do we do? Why do we do it? And why do we think it's a good idea? I'd like people to understand the different motivations for what people do, different motivations for adultery. It could be a very gripping love affair, a very intense romantic passion. Or it could be JFK just using women, several a day. Read more...

The push and drive required to succeed in politics is connected, says Eleanor Herman, with other characteristics such as 'impulsivity, restlessness, recklessness, contempt for the advice of others, and over-weening pride'.Nowhere is all of this more evident than in the bedroom. Read more...

Historian Eleanor Herman joins Brian Lamb to talk about her book, SEX WITH PRESIDENTS, about sex scandals involving U.S. presidents going back to the early years of the Republic.

...Meticulously researched and compellingly written, SEX WITH PRESIDENTS does not shy away from tackling the problematic aspects of publicly sanctioned promiscuity, as well as the challenges it posed for women who embarked on an extramarital relationship with a partner who had the power to determine their fate and even to destroy them. A thrilling read. Read more...

In this entertaining and eye-opening book, Eleanor Herman revisits some of the sex scandals that have rocked the nation's capital and shocked the public, while asking the provocative questions: does rampant adultery show a lack of character or the stamina needed to run the country? Or perhaps both?

A racy, revealing look at illicit sex involving the country's highest office. Read more...

Interview and review: ".An eye-popping new book, SEX WITH PRESIDENTS, reveals that the leaders of the United States.have a long and inglorious history of womanising and infidelity."