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Sebastian Ritscher
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Vinh Pham Jeff O'Connell

Future-Proof Your Body Against Chronic Pain with 12 Simple Movements

From an innovative physical therapist and social media star who coaches dozens of celebrity clients, an easy-to-perform set of daily stretching and exercise routines that future-proof your body and promise relief from the chronic pain resulting from sitting, slouching, and other harmful lifestyle habits.
What if we could easily acquire long-lasting protection for our bodies and escape the chronic pain caused by our sit-all-the-time, slouch-too-much lifestyles?

Vinh Pham is a world class physical therapist - a member of a new breed that dissects how people really move. He has worked with a broad range of clients, from Olympians to NBA stars to MMA fighters to Golden Globe and Grammy Award-winning artists. Early in his career, he discovered a disappointing truth: most of his patients came to him already in pain. They had poor, deeply ingrained lifestyle habits that misaligned their joints and tightened their muscles.
And the recent epidemic of non-stop sitting, which represents an all-day assault on the body, has only made things worse. If you're sitting for more than 30 minutes at a time without getting up, you may be heading toward a world of hurt.

Vinh's answer to the host of muscle maladies that ails us has been a revolutionary concept: why not future proof? Instead of reacting to chronic pain after it flares up, what if we focused on a "movement discipline" that not only prevents injuries but leads to longer lives, healthier bodies, and a clearer mind?

The process revealed here starts with installing a daily posture hygiene regimen. Performed correctly, Vinh's "Big Twelve" exercises, which can be completed in 20 minutes, will lock in protection for the rest of the day. But Vinh goes further. He provides stretching and exercise prescriptions for many of the specific ailments that bedevil us - from hamstring pulls to sciatica to rotator cuff problems - and, best of all, he offers a series of customized self-adjusting routines that are based on age, gender, and the kind of work we perform.

A compact tool box for tweaking the way we move, or refuse to move, Sit Up Straight shows that the solution to becoming pain-free is easier than we think.

Vinh Pham is a licensed physical therapist with over a decade's experience working with industry-leading health and wellness brands and treating top athletes, celebrities, and entrepreneurs. He is the founder of Myodetox, a group of design-forward manual therapy clinics that are reimagining the traditional therapy and rehab experience. Using his unique system of manual therapy, Vinh posts daily educational videos that help millions of people learn how to take care of their bodies. Vinh is a graduate of McGill University in Montreal, Canada.
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Published 2022-04-26 by Scribner


Chinese: Cheers

As a professional athlete, I'm always in search of advice that can make me better. Vinh's grasp of how the body functions, and his instincts about the right adjustments to make, have been extremely valuable. You'll discover in his book plenty of movement secrets.

Keeping your body in good alignment and health not only allows you to move freely but helps all the intricate systems in your body work in harmony. Vinh is a movement expert who'll teach you new things... Read his book now and you'll be reaping the rewards years from now.

The kind of twisting that athletes must do to win snowboarding medals isn't possible without maximum flexibility. Your movement goals may not involve competing at the X Games, but if you want to understand how your body works and how you can make it work for you in the future, read Vinh's book.

This book could change your life. Sit Up Straight is full of straight talk about what sitting for hours at a time does to our bodies. Vinh's special gift as a globally recognized physical therapist has always been knowing, at a deep level, how the body works. He may even know your body better than you do. (I often think that after my chats with him.) This book offers an easy-to-follow daily movement regimen that will help those who can't seem to escape their desk chairs. If you're always feeling that ache or twinge and don't know where to even start, Vinh is your guy!

Don't be fooled by the title of this book. It's not about sitting or standing. It's not even really about what your grandparents thought was 'good posture.' Vinh calls on us to move and feel better - to recognize that good health and agile movement are our birthright. The modern workplace setup, which tries to rob us of our genetic and evolutionary power, is simply the test. How ready is your body to answer? If you've ever sat in front of a computer, this book is for you.

Performing at a high level in the gym - or just getting through life without pain - is about more than just willing yourself to finish. It's about understanding how body part A works with body part B. No one knows that better than Vinh. His book is a roadmap to a life of no limitations.

I've spent years testing myself in endurance events and founding Spartan competitions, which has given me an appreciation of the rare few who know how the body works and can offer tips that will make recovery happen sooner. Vinh Pham is one of those with 'the knowledge.' Listen to him. He'll save you from pain, and help you push past what you thought were your limits.

Sit Up Straight offers a lot more than the admonition in the title. (Spoiler alert: Your mom wasn't wrong.) Its posture-improving exercises show you where you lack mobility and stability, giving you valuable tools to fix the problems you have and prevent the ones you're at risk of developing.