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Winter Morgan

Can Steve and his friends save the village and stop the skeleton invasion? Find out in this thrilling fifth installment of the Minecraft Gamer’s Adventure series!
Steve and his friends are back at the wheat farm trying to find a way to secure their crops from hostile mobs when their old friend Georgia comes to them for help. Georgia’s village is in the middle of a serious skeleton attack. The skeletons appear at dawn, and nobody can go to bed without risking death. Steve and the gang agree to help, but the journey to Georgia’s village isn’t easy, especially with a new batch of rainbow griefers on their trail. After Steve and the gang get to the village and fight the skeletons, they think the battle is over. They are surprised to find out that it has just begun! Rumors circulate through Georgia’s village about a skeleton farm nearby in the dungeon of an old castle. The griefer running the farm spawns skeletons and destroys them for the bones the skeletons drop when destroyed. Is the skeleton invasion a part of the griefer’s larger plan? Or are the skeletons escaping in order to save themselves? The gang has to figure out who their real enemy is before they can win this battle. Should they side with the skeletons? Or stop the griefer? Winter Morgan is not a real person. It’s the pen name for an author of numerous kids’ books and books for adults. This author has also published countless articles in magazines and newspapers your parents read. As with a username in Minecraft and other online games, it’s wise to use a pseudonym, and it’s also cool to do (if you can) when writing books. The author does have a Minecraft-addicted son who inspired the story and a daughter who is very accommodating since her little brother monopolizes the computer creating mods and mining for diamonds. She lives in Brooklyn, New York.
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Published 2015-04-07 by Skyhorse