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Nora Frisch
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Folk Stories - Bilingual German/Chinese

When should one paint eyes in a dragon’s face? And why shouldn’t you play the zither to a buffalo?

In China everybody knows the answer - China is the land of proverbs.

Chengyu (ch.ngyǔ) are sayings you will hear anywhere you go in China. People who know a lot

of sayings are considered to be educated. Therefore these chengyu can’t be missed in any

conversaJon. And though these sayings are hundreds of years old and their origins go back to the

deep past of China they are sJll up-to-date.

Unfortunately Europeans hardly understand these Chinese sayings: What does it mean, for

example, when someone watches flowers whilst riding on a horse? Or when someone smashes pots

and sinks ships? If you want to understand these sayings you have to know the stories that are

behind them.

We have compiled some of the most current proverbs that are sJll used in everyday China and

which account for an important component of the Chinese language – in English and in Chinese.

And we explain in which situaJons they are used. Chinese ink drawings complete the liRle tales.

In the end you will always find general pieces of wisdom that apply to life in China as well as to our

lives at the other end of the globe. And above all, you will gain insight into the Chinese way of

thinking – and will be able to impress Chinese during your next conversaJon!

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Published 2023-08-29 by Drachenhaus Verlag , ISBN: 9783943314069

Main content page count: 38 Pages

ISBN: 9783943314069