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Mohrbooks Literary Agency
Marie Arendt


JT Blatty

From Afghanistan, Iraq, Ukraine - A Memoir

US combat veteran and photographer JT Blatty journeyed to Ukraine in 2018 to capture oral history and portraits of Donbas volunteer soldiers. In frontline bunkers and Kyiv flats, her story began to blend with theirs in a universal bond of combat veterans, compelling her to stay as a new war began.
Like many post-9/11 combat veterans, JT Blatty struggled to regain her sense of purpose in the first years returning home from Afghanistan and Iraq. In 2018, a chance encounter brought her to Ukraine, drawn in by the familiarity of war and those who serve in wars. Over five years, JT captured the oral history and portraits of a tribe of revolutionaries, the Donbas volunteer soldiers. As she embedded with them on the front line in bunkers and forests, and in Kyiv flats, JT's story began to blend with theirs in a universal bond of combat veterans, compelling her to stay as a new war began. Documentary photographer and photojournalist and writer Jenn Tuero (J. T.) Blatty graduated from the United States Military Academy at West Point in 2000 and served six years as an active-duty U.S. Army officer, deploying with the first troops into Afghanistan following 9/11 and again into Iraq during Operation Iraqi Freedom. After completing her service to the military, she pursued freelance photography and writing as a career, working as a regular contributor for the New Orleans Advocate and as a FEMA disaster reservist photographer after completing an internship with National Geographic Traveler. Since early 2018, she has been documenting the conflict in eastern Ukraine while simultaneously creating photographic/audio archive of the 2014 volunteer soldiers of the Donbas (exhibited in Chicago and NYC in 2019-2020, March 2022 in Kyiv postponed due to the full-scale invasion), the revolutionaries who self-deployed during the original Russian invasion of the Donbas and saved Ukraine's independence. A 2021-2022 Ukraine Fulbright alum, Blatty continues her photojournalistic work in Ukraine and recently completed writing Snapshots Sent Home: From Afghanistan, Iraq, Ukraine (publication Feb 20, 2024), a military memoir that speaks of her journey in Ukraine, the volunteers, and a universal bond between combat veterans around the world. Blatty is represented by Redux Pictures and the Martine Chaisson Gallery (New Orleans), and is the author of Fish Town: Down the Road to Louisiana's Fishing Communities, a 2020 winner of a Bronze IPPY Award as Best Regional Non-Fiction in the South.
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Published 2024-02-20 by Elva Res Publishers


[W]holly unique and timely account of life during wartime on Ukraine's eastern front.

This book is a gift: of honesty; of unvarnished reality; of sadness; and even of the sparks of joy that are to be found in the killing fields of the world. It should be required reading for future military officers, historians, and anyone who wants to be in touch with the heartbeat of the world. It earns its standing alongside [other] powerful war memoirs...

Blatty's unparalleled memoir gives readers a glimpse of what it is like to be on the frontline. There's only the universal truths of war and conflict. The lingering thoughts, memories and moments afterward that stay with you. Snapshots Sent Home captures these moments perfectly for those with an eye on history.

[A]n intimate, finely-written memoir about the truths and realities shared by soldiers everywhere.

[B]rutally honest, a cinematic quality to her writing that sears these episodes into your memory, renewed appreciation of our common humanity.

[R]are and moving testament to the ties that bind those who experience war and its ongoing, lasting effects.