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DeA PLaneta Libri
Maria Luisa Borsarelli
Original language

Space Mistakes

Luca Perri Tuono Pettinato

A voyage among the most epic fail asteorids in science, on a space shuttle driven by a star of astrophysics: Luca Perri, PhD in Physics and Astrophysics, coupled with one of the most important Italian cartoonists, Tuono Pettinato.

From 10 to 99 years, a book that teaches not to be afraid to fail. With an hilarious writing and a pop style, this book will get teenagers addicted to science: an edutainment project for bookshops and schools. In 2016 in a science lab there is a joyous scream: eureka!

A group of scientists claims to have discovered the fourth substance of water. The denial doesn’t take long to arrive: what looked like H2O molecules were in fact... Perspiration

stains from the same scientists. If you think that this kind of embarassing situations do not often happen, be ready to rethink it. There are studies to discover if black holes are the site of hell, and the theories we know about aliens in fact stem from a translation’s mistake! A manual that teaches to apply the scientific approach to our daily life: if the best way to learn is going wrong, the correct way to disseminate is to be charming.

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Published by deAgostini , ISBN: 9788851165765

Main content page count: 352 Pages

ISBN: 9788851165765