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Herder Verlag
Francesca Bressan
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Stauffenberg - My grandfather was not an assassin

Sophie von Bechtoldsheim

The assassination of Claus von Stauffenberg on Adolf Hitler on July 20, 1944 is one of the most important dates in recent German history. Von Stauffenberg himself and his failed attempt to stop the National Socialist madness have become a myth, the memory is ritualized. Sophie von Bechtolsheim talks about the many Stauffenberg pictures that she has encountered during her life - in science, in the media, in the family. She asks how Stauffenberg and the other protagonists of July 20 can still be or become role models. And she asks herself how responsibility and guilt are related and how much we value freedom today

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Published 2019-06-01 by Herder Verlag , ISBN: 9783451072178

Main content page count: 144 Pages

ISBN: 9783451072178