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Gail Carson Levine

Elodie, the dragon Masteress Meenore, and the ogre Count Jonty Um are all on their way to Elodie's home island of Lahnt. Just five weeks before, Elodie left for the town of Two Castles with nothing but a single copper in her purse, and now she is returning a professional dragon detective's assistant and friend to a Count!

Elodie has barely set foot on Lahnt before she learns that it is in terrible danger. The Replica, a statue that keeps a deadly volcano from erupting, has been stolen from its mountain home of the Oase. In their attempt to find the culprit, Elodie and Meenore meet a cast of characters who all have their own reasons to be the thief. Meanwhile, Jonty Um goes off to try to warn the people of Lahnt about the danger before it's too late—but he faces danger of his own.

If Meenore and Elodie don't find the Replica in three days, a mountain will be destroyed. And when Elodie ends up at the Oase alone, she has to use her wits to try to unravel a tangled web of lies and save her island home.

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Published 2015-04-01 by HarperCollins