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Sebastian Ritscher


Arlie Russell Hochschild

Her first book since the widely acclaimed Strangers in Their Own Land, Arlie Hochschild's newest book extends her interrogation of American politics, particularly why Donald Trump and the new Republican right has gained such a stronghold in this country. This time, however, she's turned toward Appalachia: a region reeling from deindustrialization, crushing poverty, and a deadly drug crisis.
This book is the culmination of 6 years spent in Appalachia, engaging in long, frank conversations with the residents of this region, narrowing in especially on the voices of blue-collar men. From her time spent within this community, she has uncovered the "pride paradox": the rhetorical alchemy in which Donald Trump and his allies have weaponized economic and cultural loss, turning lost pride into stolen pride, shame into blame, and sharpening that blame into a potent blend of anger and vengeful political animus. Hochschild's great gift is to decode the emotional narratives that demagogues can speak to and lay bare the pain that lies beneath the rage. And in some of the voices she listens to, Hochschild hears an alternative to the inchoate anger, as she and her subjects imagine how we might build bridges and move forward. STOLEN PRIDE is a politically urgent and revelatory new book.
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Published 2024-09-01 by The New Press


In Stolen Pride, Arlie Russell Hochschild continues her cutting-edge research into forgotten Americans, people who desperately need help but cling to the myth that anyone can make it in America through hard work. Hochschild's insights are compassionate, illuminating, and deeply moving.

As with Hochschild's classic Strangers in Their Own Land, Stolen Pride has a truth and intimacy that delivers to the grateful reader what is rare in today's political studies: true human understanding. Stolen Pride is a superb book, and in these times, an essential read.

Arlie Russell Hochschild's Stolen Pride is a masterpiece of epic proportions. Her account of a small, struggling Appalachian community's response to a parade of out-of-state white nationalists provides a glimmer of hope for our fragile democracy, even in the face of political polarization, economic inequality, racism, and the nonrational, emotional dimensions of political identity and mobilization. My advice to everyone is: read this book.

A piercing . . . impressive and nuanced assessment of a critical factor in American politics.

Arlie Hochschild reveals what liberals missthat the moral emotions of pride and shame animate the resentment that roils our politics. This is the best book yet on the moral and political psychology of the new right, a masterclass in the art of listening across our cultural and political divides.

Reflecting on pride and how communities misconstrue or misdirect blame, Hochschild seeks to explain the growth of Trumpism and white nationalism while also opening a window on a brokenhearted community.

In Stolen Pride, the inimitable Arlie Russell Hochschild once again sheds light on an often-overlooked segment of Americans, providing a deeply human exploration of the rituals and emotions that sustain a proud region in precarious times.

What a superb book! If progressives are ever to regain the trust of downwardly mobile white voters powerfully drawn to Trump and the far right, we need to listen deeply to Arlie Hochschild.

Chinese (Simplified): Tao Zhi Yao Yao ; Polish: Krytyka Politcyzna

How Trump Mines for Shame in Appalachia: PW Talks with Arlie Russell Hochschild Read more...

An insightful, troubling look at political resentments in the forgotten heartland.