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Dieter Bischop

Resolving emotionally escalated conflicts in families, teams (bullying), companies or business successions

When system laws like belonging, respect or justice are violated, conflicts ensue which are unresolvable on a subject level. Systemic mediation resolves injuries from that point in time on when they were inflicted. Blocked energies, which may cause illnesses, can then flow freely again and relationships fundamentally improve. In a next step, factual issues can be resolved separately on this new and improved basis.

When system laws like belonging, respect or justice are violated, conflicts ensue which are unresolvable on a subject level.

In this book, the author develops the tool of systemic mediation, which is fundamentally different from traditional mediation. Systemic mediation resolves injuries from that point in time on when they were inflicted. Blocked energies, potential causes for illnesses, can then flow freely again and relationships fundamentally improve. In a next step, when feelings of belonging, respect and trust begin to grow anew, any factual issues can be resolved separately on this new basis.

The book offers practical examples for different settings, a.o. couples, teams or business successions, how systemic mediation can help evolve mistrust into trust, demotivation into motivation, fear into confidence, illness into health, failure into success and stress into serenity.

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Published 2016-07-07 by Verlag Ludwig , ISBN: 9783869352671

Main content page count: 192 Pages

ISBN: 9783869352671