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Nora Frisch
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Nora Frisch

A Journey into Chinese Tea Culture

In Chinese culture, tea is not only considered a healthy thirst quencher, but also as a remedy and tea drinking as a ritual to achieve inner peace. How is tea prepared, drunk and integrated into everyday life in China? What types of tea exist, how is tea made and where is it grown in China? How do I find "my" tea? Lena, a young Westerner in Beijing, also deals with these questions. She meets tea master Lin, he introduces Lena to the world of Chinese tea. Join Lena on her journey into this magical, relaxing world. As an extra, delicious tea-recipes are included in the appendix of this book.
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Published 2023-05-30 by Drachenhaus Verlag

Main content page count: 80 Pages


Winner of the "Gourmand World Cookbook Award" in the category "Best Chinese Tea Book in the

World" 2017!