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Benevento Publishing
Manuel Quirin
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Florian Harms

The biggest secret in the world. Those who know it, have power over people—and over love.

The exquisite cuisine of the Orient, exciting characters, the race for advancements in the field of biotechnology—those are the ingredients Florian Harms uses to concoct his sensuous and extremely gripping novel.

In Zurich, private investigator Calanda is hired to find Bernhard Lieblig—by a Swiss food giant conducting research into artificial flavors. August Liebligis looking for his missing father when his plane crashes over the North African desert. What is BernhardLieblig’s mission and why has he disappeared? And whatdoesthenewflavorprofiletheSwisscompanybelievestohaveidentified have to do with all ofthis?


In his novel, Florian Harms, renowned expert on North Africa and the Middle East, weaves the mysticism of the Orient into a modern crime story—an opulent and evocative tale that paints the reader a sensuous picture of the world of pleasure and temptations.

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Published 2019-02-01 by Benevento

Main content page count: 420 Pages