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Mohrbooks Literary Agency
Sebastian Ritscher
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Sandra Swenson

Honest Meditations for Mothers with Addicted Children

Tending Dandelions is an indispensable meditation book that offers wisdom, support, and inspiration for mothers struggling with the issues of addiction in their families. Additionally, the raw, real content of Tending Dandelions helps those working to free themselves from codependency patterns to tend to a life they likely never imagined
Mothers of addicted and alcoholic children share a deep connection - one that is rarely understood by anyone who hasn't experienced a similar path. Sharing our perspectives helps us all grow stronger, together. The book's meditations provide a series of daily readings for those who are realizing that recovery rarely follows a neat or comfortable path. By sharing the realities we never expected our families to face, mothers of addicted children support each other through experiences that can only be feared and imagined by others. From our shared struggles emerge opportunities for personal growth. Tending Dandelions is a vital source of wisdom, support, and strength that helps us begin our own journey of recovery.

Sandra Swenson is a mother who has grappled with her son's addiction and their relationship for over a decade as told in her critically-acclaimed book, Joey's Song. She is also a contributor to The Addict's Mom blog.
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Published 2017-09-05 by Hazelden Publishing