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Diego De Silva

Two lovers go to consult a psychoanalyst to explore their paradox and the nature of love. A new tender, funny and cynical comedy from best-selling novelist and beloved author Diego De Silva.
This novel is told in two alternate voices, one male and one female. It's told as they are living through it because "there are times in love where reality becomes a matter of perspective, usually that of the one who imposes it." Two married adults (not a couple) are finding themselves united by an uncontrollable passion and a love that resists rough weather. Viviana is sexy, lively and intriguing. She has a remarkable talent for conversations that go awry. She is torn between two choices: remain a lover and stuck in an unhappy marriage or destroy her old life to begin a new one. Modesto is less refined, and less stylish in speech , quicker in changing his old ways, able to resolve any troubles ahead and always ready to crack a joke and laugh. He prefers to keep things the way they are rather than heading into another marriage, well knowing that the previous one isn't perfect. In this decisive dilemma Viviana drags Modesto to an analyst, in the hope of finding a solution for their tricky relationship problem. The doctor is faced with a unmarried couple of adulterers who have set themselves free from matrimonial chains and their families, with nothing to lose except for their love. Accepting this difficult task and get entangled in a rdiculous skirmish might mean to risk professional integrity. Tender and cynical, true and deep, this novel's light-heartedness is powerful weapon as it explores the complexities of feelings, in conflicts that we seek for fear of letting ourselves be guided by love. TERAPIA has been listed among the top 15 of the bestseller lists for 3 months. It has sold more than 50'000 copies. Diego De Silva was born in Naples in 1964. Einaudi have published many of his novels and his trilogy "Arrangiati, Malinconico" (consisting of his novels "Non avevo capito niente", "Sono contrario alle emozioni", "Mia suocera beve". His work has been translated into many languages.
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Published 2023-10-11 by Einaudi


The magic of Diego De Silva, an anthropologist of the heart... A novel intense and swirling.

Diego De Silva tells a story about an extremely delicate entanglement: that nothing is more revealing than a lie and that no lie is worse than the truth. ... a manual that helps to understand our feelings...

Hebrew rights: Keter

"a novel funny and cynical, with dazzling witty dialogues"