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The Adventures of GuruRock and his Band - The Symphony of Time

book + working clock + box with window

The extravagant Gururock does a solo with his guitar and, at that very right moment, a hole is opened in the wall of the rehearsal room. When he decides to explore the hole, he realizes that it is a time corridor. On the other side, he meets Beethoven, a prominent eighteenth-century musician. Gururock invites him to come to our time to participate in a concert of his band. The show is a success, but the euphoria quickly turns into drama when Beethoven realizes that he can’t return to his century. Will he be trapped forever in our time? How will be solved the problem? Experience the magical journey of Gururock and his band in this adventure that is the Symphony of Time!
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Published by Neoma Produções , ISBN: 9789898423085

Main content page count: 40 Pages

ISBN: 9789898423085
