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Amina AlTai

How to Do Meaningful Work Without Burnout

The anti-hustle guide to getting what you really want AN OPEN FIELD PUBLICATION FROM MARIA SHRIVER
Most of us think ambition means doing everything in our power to get what we want. But this approach costs us our health and wellbeing, and ultimately upholds oppressive systems. In The Ambition Trap, leadership coach Amina AlTai shows you how to break the cycle of overwork once and for alland finally create the greatest, most joy-filled work of your life. The thing is, what most of us really want isn't money or accolades, but acceptance, security, and belonging. When we use external metrics to fulfill these internal wounds and desires nothing ends up being enough, so we work harder and longer in a never-ending cycleand therein lies the ambition trap. It turns out, we get to have more of what we want when we anchor our ambition to our purpose and not our pain. Drawing on her work with Fortune 500 leaders, Olympic gold medalists, start-up founders, and former "girlbosses," AlTai guides you through the process of reconciling your ambition, starting with healing the core wounds and insecurities currently driving you. Along the way, she introduces actionable strategies for aligning your work with your deepest "why," leaning into your most natural gifts, nourishing yourself in the long-term pursuit of your goals, setting a sustainable pace, and allowing contentment to guide the way. It turns out, ambition isn't a dirty word but an invitation to design your life with even greater purpose, meaning, and joy. Amina AlTai is a holistic leadership and mindset coach, proud immigrant, and chronic illness advocate. A leading coach to high-profile female leaders and impact-driven celebrities, Amina's mastery is in connecting clients to their brilliance and teaching them to live and lead from it each day. After spending a decade grappling with a fast-paced career in marketing and two autoimmune diseases, Amina hit burnout. In hopes of healing her own life, she sought training in coaching, mindfulness, nutrition, and fitness, and her goal became to teach others how to balance a thriving career, body, and mind.
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Published 2025-05-13 by The Open Field


Portuguese (Brazil): Fontanar (Companhia) ; Orion (UK)