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Catherine Fragou
Original language
Greek, Modern (1453-)

The big journey of the chinese duck

Vassilis Papatheodorou Petros Mpouloumpasis

The long journey of the Chinese duck is a book filled with adventure, mystery, suspense, humanity and... ecological issues, and based on a real occurrence: In 1992, in the torrid Chinese seas, the cargo of a commercial carrier -28.000 small, yellow, rubber ducks- is carried off by the waves and scattered into the ocean.

Fifteen years later, the ducks, discoloured by the sun and having travelled the world over, are washed up by the tide and appear just outside England.

Their journey over the years is closely followed by scientists and institutes, in their effort to discover the secrets of the tides.

In this book we discover the secrets of an imaginary duck which accompanies these rubber ducks on their journey.

The characters and the events, fictional as they may seem are real and timely, in an upredictable story that attracts children, adults and ... little ducks, alike.

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Published 2023-05-30 by KASTANIOTIS

Main content page count: 149 Pages