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Catherine Fragou
Original language
Greek, Modern (1453-)

The Blind ones

Nikos Mandis

English extracts available

Summer 2011. Isidore is searching for Sophia in the narrow streets of an Athens in turmoil. Kleanthis, an amateur collector of evidence and keeper of the “Book of Everything”, believes he can help him. April 1972. Georgos is a young presidential guard who is going to be the lead in an important theatrical performance, but also in the celebrations of the anniversary of the dictatorship at the Kallimarmaro stadium. What is it that troubles him and why is that the telepathic powers he has had since childhood cannot save him? Summer 1985, Cycladic Islands. Nate is investigating the sudden death of his father, is a search in which terrorism, psychedelia and an enigmatic traveller with different-coloured eyes are inextricably interwoven, distorting the logical shape of reality. How are all these stories connected? A multi-layered story about the versions of Greek blindness, for the narrative that knows no bounds, but also for the joy of story-telling, where successive labyrinths open, without ever closing
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Published 2023-05-30 by KASTANIOTIS

Main content page count: 598 Pages