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Mohrbooks Literary Agency
Sebastian Ritscher
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Mark Hyman

Groundbreaking and timely, THE BLOOD SUGAR SOLUTION is the fastest way to lose weight, prevent disease, and feel better than ever.
In The Blood Sugar Solution Dr. Mark Hyman – Chairman of the Institute for Functional Medicine and founder and medical director of The UltraWellness Center –reveals the secret to losing weight and preventing diabesity. A staggering number of people worldwide suffer from diabesity, the condition of metabolic imbalance and disease that ranges from mild blood sugar imbalance to full-blown diabetes. Diabesity is one of the leading causes of chronic disease in the 21st century, including heart disease, stroke, dementia, and cancer, and the numbers of sick people keep growing. Dr. Hyman stresses that insulin resistance is the real biological cause of the obesity, pre-diabetes, and diabetes epidemic that impacts over one billion people worldwide and which is a huge economic burden costing us over $2 trillion a year in health care costs. Currently, there are no screening recommendations, no treatment guidelines, no approved medications for diagnosing and treating anything other than full-blown diabetes. Doctors are not expected, trained, or paid to diagnose and treat one of thebiggest chronic diseases in the world. In The Blood Sugar Solution, Dr. Hyman tackles this worldwide health care crisis. He provides a revolutionary six-week healthy-living program that will help all individuals, whether or not they are obese or diabetic, to enable their bodies to function at maximum level. With advice on diet, green living, supplements and medication, exercise, and personalizing the plan for optimal results, he teaches readers how to maintain lifelong health. Dr. Hyman describes and explains his seven keys to treating diabesity and achieving peak wellness: Boost Nutrition: Our current American diet is a problem for what it contains – too much sugar, processed fats, and salt, additives, hormones and pesticides, and genetically alteredinflammatory proteins – and for what it doesn’t contain: omega-3 fats, fiber, magnesium, zinc, B and D vitamins, antioxidants, and more. “What is at the end of our fork is more important than what is at the bottom of any pill bottle,” Dr. Hyman asserts. “Our grocery store should be our pharmacy.” Regulate Hormones: All our hormones – insulin hormone, sex hormones, adrenal or stress hormones, and thyroid hormones – are interconnected, he explains. They interact with one another “like a big musical symphony. When this symphony is out of tune, problems arise.” A critical key to health is proper balance and regulation of hormones.
Reduce Inflammation: Anything that causes inflammation will, in turn, cause insulin resistance. And anything that causes insulin resistance will cause inflammation. This “dangerous spiral is at the root of so many of our 21st century chronic maladies,” he says. Finding and eliminating the causes of inflammation along with supporting normal immune function is key to health and longevity. Optimize Digestion: Our diet has changed dramatically in the last 10,000 years, and even more so in the last 100 years with the industrialization of our food supply. This highly processed, high-sugar, high-fat, low-fiber diet has substantially altered the bacteria that historically grew in our digestive tracts, and the change hasbeen linked to weight gain and diabetes. Modern inventions such as antibiotics, acid blockers, steroids, anti-inflammatory medicines, and more all injure the gut, alter our gut flora, and lead to systemic inflammation. Fixing the digestion is key to health. Enhance Detoxification: Everyone is focused on lifestyle, calories in/calories out and medication for diabetes. But scientific data shows that environmental toxins interfere with blood sugar and cholesterol metabolism and cause insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. Specific strategies to enhance detoxification support health and weight loss. Maximize Energy Metabolism: Our metabolism turns calories and oxygen into the energy that fuels every cell in our body. This energy is made in little factories in our cells calledmitochondria. When these are not working properly, we suffer all the symptoms of low energy: fatigue, slow metabolism, weight gain, memory loss,pain, rapid aging, and more. There are specific ways to protect energy system and boost metabolism. Soothe Your Mind: In the face of chronic stress, our levels of insulin, cortisol, and inflammatory compoundscalled cytokines all increase. This drives the relentless metabolic dysfunction that leads to weight gain, insulin resistance, and ultimately diabetes. Soothing the mind is a key strategy to maintain optimal well being.
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Published 2012-02-01 by Little, Brown


Published 2012-02-01 by Little, Brown


Blog by Mark Hyman: Time for an Oil Change: It's time to change the way you think about fat... Read more...

“Mindful, comprehensive and impeccably organized…An avalanche of vital information and advice from an enthusiastic wellness expert.”

Best-Selling Author Mark Hyman, MD to Speak on Reversing “Diabesity” at Metagenics University Seminar Read more...

"In the last decade, the rise of obesity and diabetes has emerged as a crisis that threatens our families, the global economy, and the success of our next generation. I've made drastic changes to my own diet and exercise routine since my heart troubles surfaced in 2004 and I hope Dr. Hyman's new book will inspire you as he has inspired me.”

"Functional medicine pioneer Hyman... points to imbalances in seven body systems that cause life-altering chronic illness. Quizzes, shopping lists, recipes, and tips for overcoming obstacles will keep readers on track, while Hyman's memorable terminology, passion, and simplicity will keep them highly motivated."