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Reed Farrel Coleman

The Book of Ghosts cuts a path from Poland to West Berlin to New York, and decides the fate of each life it touches. Both chilling and tender, Coleman looks at the truth’s capacity to create and destroy, and how “an action taken with one purpose in mind leads to its exact opposite.
It started with one lie. To gain entrance into America, Jacob Weisen overwrites his murderous past by telling the story of The Book of Ghosts, a lost testament to the ghosts of Auschwitz soaked in the blood of his childhood friend, which Jacob smuggled out of the camp. As his story spreads, Jacob is hurtled into a future held in the delicate web of his past lies. When the book is discovered in a West Berlin apartment years later, the harrowing truth swaddled in striped pajamas sets into motion a brutal series of events that spans generations and nations.
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Published 2023-10-10 by Mysterious Books