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Alexander Dobler
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The Color of Silence

Elia Barceló

1936: July, 16th, Canary Islands, Spain. A murder that will open the doors to the military

coup led by Franco and to the Spanish Civil War. 1969: July, 20th, Rabat, Morocco. A wild party in the marvelous garden of an old manor, celebrating the landing on the moon. A murder that will destroy a family. Helena Guerrero is an internationally acclaimed artist,

well known for the shadows that invade her pictures. After many years abroad, three things conspire to bring her back to Madrid from Adelaide, Australia, where she currently lives: a hint she discovers during a psychological constellation therapy, a wedding in her family and an e-mail from her estranged brother-in-law, offering to disclose some unknown facts regarding the murder of her sister. Helena will go looking for answers to the terrible questions that have troubled her all her life. She travels to Rabat, Morocco, to the old family manor, La Mora, with its mysterious gardens that have so long safely kept the shadows of the past, in order to find out the truth about the murder of her sister, in 1969.