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Mike Pearl

Alien Contact, Dinosaur Parks, Immortal Humans—and Other Possible Phenomena

A speculative glimpse at those life-changing days that may happen and how we can prepare for them. Throughout history, people, businesses, and governments tend to be caught with their pants down when unexpected shocks and disasters come along...but readers of The Day It Finally Happens will be readypants on and shirt, too when the new millennium unveils its surprises.
If you live on planet Earth you're probably scared of the future. How could you not be?

The journeys readers will take will include

The Day The Internet Finally Goes Down
The Day the US Finally Bans Guns
The Day the Last Antibiotic Finally Stops Working
The Day All Cemeteries Are Finally Full
The Day Global Warming Peaks
The Day The Last Person With A Job Quits
The Day We Experience An Explosion Bigger Than Krakatoa
Pearl will reveal the hidden people, firewalls and fail-safes that, in times of dramatic change, we'll come to know very well.

Mike Pearl is a journalist based in LA and Staff Writer at VICE. He covers politics, pop science beats, and his articles attract millions of visits to every month. He specializes in articles similar to chapters in this book. Examples include one about a coup d'état in the US, and another about a nuclear attack from North Korea. His long-runneing series "How Scared Should I Be?" and his new series "Year 2050" about the horrors of climate change are hugely popular. His 2015 piece asking what would happen if Donald Trump became president was the first article in a major publication to take that hypothetical seriously.
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