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Writers House
Maja Nikolic
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Caitlín R. Kiernan

Almost nothing is only what it seems to be at first glance. Appearances can be deceiving, and first impressions often lead us disastrously astray. If we’re not careful, assumption and expectation can betray us all the way to madness and death and damnation. In THE DINOSAUR TOURIST, Caitlín R. Kiernan’s fifteenth collection of short fiction, nineteen tales of the unexpected and the uncanny explore that treacherous gulf between what we suppose the world to be and what might actually be waiting out beyond the edges of our day-to-day experience. A mirror may be a window into another time. A cat may be our salvation. Your lover may be a fabulous being. And a hitchhiker may turn out to be anyone at all.

Rights to recent Caitlín R. Kiernan books have been sold in Brazil: Darkside Books; France: Editions du Belial; Germany: Festa; Poland: MAG Jacek Rodek; Romania: Editura Art; Spain: Alianza Editorial; the UK: PS Publishing.

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Published 2018-11-30 by Subterranean Press


“Her work is far-reaching, ambitious, and urgently queer. … It contains magnificent work worth diving into,

even at the risk of drowning or being devoured.”

“Kiernan’s boundlessly fertile imagination and talent for turning the everyday into the otherworldly are on fine display

in one of her most accessible collections yet.” – Publishers Weekly, starred review