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Mohrbooks Literary Agency
Sebastian Ritscher
Original language


Meg Wolitzer

From the New York Times bestselling autbor ot The Imterestings, a big, electrlc, multi-layered novel about women and power, and the intense relatlonshlps that determine the course of one young womans life.
Greer Kadetsky is a shy college freshman when she meets the woman she hopes will change her life. Faith Frank, dazzingly persuasive and elegant at 60 and a central pillar of the women's movement for decades, is a figure who inspies others to change the world and make the most of themselves. Upon hearing Faith speak for the fist time, Greer - madly in love with her devoted boyfriend, Cory, but still full of longing for an ambition that she can't quiet place - is awestruck.

As Faith leads Greer down the most purposeful path of her life - and as it winds toward and away from her meant-to-be love story with Cory, and interferes with her post-college bond with her female best friend - Greer must question whether her idolatry is founded. Where is the line between the personal and the public? Where does Faith end, and where does Greer begin?

Charming and wise, knowing and witty, Meg Wolitzer returns with a novel about power and influence, ego and loyality, womanhood and ambition. At its heart, The Female Persuation is about the spark we all believe is flickering inside of us, waiting to be seen and fanned by the right person at the right time. It's a story about the people who guide and the people who follow (and how those roles evolve over time), and the desire within all of us to be pulled into the light.
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Published 2018-04-03 by Riverhead


Published 2018-04-03 by Riverhead