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Sebastian Ritscher


Stephen Perrine

The Science-Based 7-Day Plan to Cool Inflammation, Heal Your Gut, and Build a Healthier, Leaner You

Stephen Perrine, best-selling author of The Whole Body Reset wants you to know that, no matter what the scale says, no matter what the mirror shows, no matter how you feel when you button your jeans, you are not fat.
What we call "fat" is really a symptom of something else. It's your body's response to a chronic underlying health condition that's been linked to everything from cancer to Alzheimer's, from arthritis to diabetes, from heart disease to muscle loss, and, yes, to obesity. There's a reason why millions of Americans go on diets every year, lose weight, and then see pounds creep back on, often adding even more weight in the process. Because most diets are trying to fix the problem of being "fat." Which is sort of like trying to fix a house fire by turning up the air conditioning. The heat and smoke are just symptoms. What's causing the destruction is the fire underneath. Most diet programs are trying to cure the symptom. This book will show you how to cure the disease. When you stop thinking of yourself as fat - and stop buying into the idea that you can change your weight or the shape of your body by going on a diet (read: eating fewer calories), or by exercising more (read: burning off more calories), or by magically changing your metabolism - you can start to address the real issue. You see, you're not fat. You're on fire. Stephen's new book, You're Not Fat, You're on Fire will offer readers all the science and strategies they need to understand the problem, extinguish the flames, feel great and, yes, lose weight too. Stephen Perrine is the author, editor, or publisher of more than two dozen New York Times bestsellers, the most recent of which is The Whole Body Reset. As executive editor for AARP The Magazine and the AARP Bulletin and The Arrow, he oversees health and wellness coverage reaching more than 38 million readers.
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Published 2024-05-21 by St. Martin's


UK: Bluebird Macmillan ; Spain: Grijalbo PRH

In this extraordinary book, Stephen Perrine describes a weight-loss program that harnesses the healing power of plants into an eating program that's smart, healthy - and a lot of fun!

As a functional medicine expert, I understand just how important a healthy microbiome is for our overall health. But I also understand that it can be difficult to wade through all the endless information out there and actually stick with a gut-friendly diet. Perrine makes it easier than ever in The Full Body Fat Fix with his straightforward method that is uncomplicated and - dare I say it - fun.