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Aurore Damant Dori Hillestad Butler

With a lot of searching and a lot of luck, Kaz has found his dog Cosmo, his little brother Little John, his grandmom, and his grandpops. But what about his parents? Or his big brother Finn? Will he ever see them again? Kaz wants to keep looking for his family, but when Claire hears about a ghost at the fire station, Kaz knows it’s a case for C & K Ghost Detectives!
Dori Hillestad Butler has written many books, including The Buddy Files: Case of the Lost Boy, which won the 2011 Edgar Award for Best Juvenile Mystery.
She lives in the Seattle area. Follow Dori on Twitter @Dorihbutler

Aurore Damant is a character designer and art director for animated TV shows in France, Europe, and the United States. She lives in Paris, France.
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Published 2015-11-03 by Grosset & Dunlap


Published 2015-11-03 by Grosset & Dunlap