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Liepman Literary Agency
Marc Koralnik
Original language


CJ Parsons

THE GOOD SAMARITAN is a domestic thriller set in London. Carrie Haversen is a lonely single mother whose inability to read facial expressions has left her socially isolated. Terror enters her life when the one person she loves - her daughter Sofia - is abducted from a playground. So when a friendly stranger brings the child safely home, Carrie believes the darkest chapter of her life has ended - and an amazing new one has begun. Because she embarks on a romantic relationship with her daughter's saviour, as well as a close friendship with the woman who led the search for Sofia. For the first time, Carrie doesn't feel like a lonely outsider. But one of these good Samaritans may know more about the abduction than they're letting on. And Carrie's inability to read people could end up putting both her and Sofia in mortal danger.

CJ Parsons lives with her daughter in London, where she works as a TV news producer. She has a degree in psychology and years of experience as a crime reporter, so has witnessed first-hand the disturbing forces that drive people to kill, something that has informed her writing to this day. This is her debut novel.
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Published 2020-10-01 by Headline