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The Great Rafik Schami-Book

Rafik Schami Root Leeb

Love, friendship, and faraway lands – »I want to keep dreams alive.« Rafik Schami

In his inimitable combination of humor, philosophy of life, and melancholy, Rafik Schami talks about dreams and desire, friendships and deceit, and love and laughter.

Love is unpredictable and the results can be curious, so it is not surprising that a lonesome pig and an old chicken find each other. But before finding each other you have to look for each other; which is tricky sometimes because what you’re looking for is more of a vague desire than a concrete idea. Just like the poppy flower, who only after she found the sun, knew that she was actually looking for it. In these 21 wonderful stories, Rafik Schami understands it masterfully to enchant his readers while capturing important aspects of society’s reality.

• For every Rafik Schami-fan

• For the first time a collection of his most wonderful stories in hardcover

• Stories that make you dream and think at the same times