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Adam Stemple Jane Yolen Stemple

Book One in the Seelie Wars trilogy

THE SEELIE WARS is a fantasy trilogy in which a hostaged fairy prince and a midwife's apprentice, secretly a changeling, traipse across the fairy landscape chased by two armies. Those harrowing them are the Unseelie army filled with trolls and drows and beserker Border Lords, and the Seelie army led by the prince's own brother, the heir. Both armies are bent on capturing and executing the two. The first book, THE HOSTAGE PRINCE, takes place in the Unseelie Court and dungeons until the two manage to escape and flee across a river filled with carnivorous mermen. After a night in a hungry troll's cave, they find their way to the prince's own castle, there to be thrown into the Seelie dungeon.

Upcoming title: THE SEELIE WARS: THE COMING STORM (Viking, Summer 2014).
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Published 2013-06-01 by Viking