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Martha Beck

Finding the Path to Your True Self

Bestselling author, life coach and sociologist Martha Beck explains why "integrity" - being in harmony with ourselves - is the key to a meaningful and joyful life.
As Martha Beck says in her book, "Integrity is the cure for psychological suffering. Period."

In The Way of Integrity, Beck presents a four-stage process that anyone can use to find integrity, and with it, a sense of purpose, emotional healing, and a life free of mental suffering. Much of what plagues us--people pleasing, staying in stale relationships, negative habits--all point to what happens when we are out of touch with what truly makes us feel whole.

Inspired by The Divine Comedy, Beck uses Dante's classic hero's journey as a framework to break down the process of attaining personal integrity into small, manageable steps. She shows how to read our internal signals that lead us towards our true path, and to recognize what we actually yearn for versus what our culture sells us.

With techniques tested on hundreds of her clients, Beck brings her expertise as a social scientist, life coach and human being to help readers to uncover what integrity looks like in their own lives. She takes us on a spiritual adventure that not only will change the direction of our lives, but bring us to a place of genuine happiness.

Martha Beck is a best-selling author, life coach, and speaker who specializes in helping individuals and groups achieve greater levels of personal and professional success. She is the author of nine non-fiction books and one novel, and has contributed monthly to O, The Oprah Magazine since its inception. She holds a PhD in sociology from Harvard.
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Published 2021-04-13 by Penguin Life


Published 2021-04-13 by Penguin Life


If you have ever felt less than whole, if you ever felt like you weren't being true to yourself, like there was a dissonance in what the world was saying and what you were feeling in your heart and your soul, this episode is for you. My guest today is Martha Beck, PhD. Martha is a Harvard-trained sociologist, world-renowned coach and New York Times bestselling author. Read more...

In an age of nonstop pressure to conform we often lose connection to truth and meaning. But Martha Beck has written this masterpiece, initiating a new path forward, one of integrity, showing us how to embrace our authentic self for unlimited freedom.

In a time of such diversity and chaos, to help us find our way back to full integrity, I invited Martha Beck onto the Awakened & Aligned Podcast show. Today I talk to her about the power of integrity and how it can align us back to our true selves. When we are connected to this part of ourselves, our true self, we are free from suffering, illusions and conflict that has previously held us back.... Read more...

Martha Beck's genius is that her writing is equal parts comforting and challenging. A teacher, a mother, a sage, she holds our hand as she leads us back home to ourselves.

Best-selling author and life coach Martha Beck tells Anderson about inner truth, dealing with anxiety during the pandemic and her new book "The Way of Integrity" Read more...

The Way of Integrity is Martha Beck at her finest: one hundred percent pure distilled wisdom, truth, and illumination, delivered always with humor. There's no one I'd trust more to get me out of the dark woods.

Bestselling author Martha Beck joins Sheinelle and Jenna to discuss her new book, "The Way of Integrity," and offer tips for navigating situations where your values don't align with those around you. "Cave early, if something starts to feel off, fix it immediately," she says. "Realize what's pressuring you is other people." Read more...

'Let yourself be quirky': Oprah Winfrey's life coach on how to be much happier - Martha Beck survived abuse, went to Harvard, left her husband - then began working with the world's biggest TV star. She discusses self-help, nonconformity and the power of truth... Read more...

Martha Beck has asked thousands of people: What makes you feel like the truth is coming home to you more than anything else? Harvard-trained sociologist and world-renowned life coach, she's found a sentence "that makes people feel this ring of truth. It is: I am meant to live in peace." In her latest bestseller, The Way of Integrity, she shows us how to get there.... Read more...

Today, Martha Beck - whose latest book The Way of Integrity is out now - offers advice for one reader who can't take one more day of the 9-5. Read on for her tips. Read more...

By the end of this profound, funny, and beautifully crafted book, I finally understood that the 'wild beasts' of my own negativity, impatience, and anger are actually my friends, sent to show me when I am straying from my true path. This book that will help anyone get back on the path and walk more joyfully toward their full integrity.

Martha Beck interview in Author Magazine

Inspired by The Divine Comedy, in The Way of Integrity sociologist and Life Coach Martha Beck gives a four-stage process to find integrity, thus finding a sense of purpose, emotional healing, and a life free of mental suffering Additionally, Beck shows readers how to read internal signs to lead them to their true path and recognize what they truly want in life. Read more...

Martha Beck's THE WAY OF INTEGRITY has been chosen as the new Oprah's Book Club pick! "For over 15 years, I have looked to Martha Beck for her wisdom, and marveled at how she helps people through crises in their lives with such grace, insight, and humor," Winfrey said in a statement. "As we all navigate this watershed moment in our collective history, `The Way of Integrity' provides a roadmap on the journey to truth and authenticity. Her latest work is filled with aha moments and practical exercises that can guide us as we seek enlightenment." Read more...

Bestselling author Martha Beck returns to TMS, explaining why integrity is the key to a meaningful and joyful life. We discuss her new book, The Way of Integrity: Finding the Path to Your True Self. Read more...

The Way of Integrity is about the redemptive power of discovering, speaking and living the truth about who you are... The book vibrates with magic, intelligence, and love. It brims with humor, spirituality, fascinating science, and even Dante's Divine Comedy. This radiant book will not only change your life, but perhaps even save it.

The Way of Integrity is the perfect guide for anyone who wants greater happiness and clarity of purpose. As always, Martha Beck's writing is beautiful and perceptive, and the insights and exercises she shares in these pages may take you somewhere unexpected, but will certainly lead you to a better place.

Today I'll be talking with Martha Beck, a true hero in my mind, about one of the most important, must read books for getting your life in alignment, The Way of Integrity: Finding the path to your true self. That is just what I want to talk with her about today, about the cure for unhappiness and discovering your true self! Read more...

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Martha was interviewed on two episodes of Glennon Doyle's podcast We Can Do Hard Things last week. Read more...

As any O: The Oprah Magazine readers know, Martha Beck is always full of insights. This book didn't disappoint! Beck identities the ways culture works against integrity and touches on "Dante's Inferno," includes quizzes, and rethinks suffering. Read more...