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DeA PLaneta Libri
Maria Luisa Borsarelli
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The last lighthouse

Paola Zannoner

Not just a bildungsroman, but also a deep reflection on the importance of storytelling. A true hymn to literature.

“Lives are complex and they can be told only partially. This is why I did not believe much in the ability to narrate, to use the right words and to describe the state of minds, to freeze the exciting moments and describe pain or happiness. I did not think I, Lin, I would be the witness and the narrator of this story, of this holiday that changed my life. But talent is like a whale crouching in deep waters, that when it needs breathing, it glides fast towards the water surface, and jumps out of the water pu ing like a bellows. It fi xes you with curious eyes and looks up to you with courage, with wonder, to the bottom of its vision.“

A beautiful lighthouse on the sea, and three weeks vacation. Fourteen young boys and girls are about to start a wonderful summer holiday. A summer of friendships, love affairs and even small disagreements. Each of them has a different story, a hidden wound, a well kept secret. Yet they all have the same desire to smile again. And to share an unforgettable experience. The last lighthouse is not only a unique opportunity to tell young people about the value of living together and of sharing, about mutual understanding beyond all the dif-ferences. It is above all an extraordinary choral novel. At the end of the holiday, every one offers his/her own story to the lighthouse 

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Published by deAgostini

Main content page count: 400 Pages
