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Knesebeck Verlag
Marc-Frederic Schmid
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The life of my best friend

Judith Gridl

» Exciting crime thriller and beautiful story about friendship » A courageous piece of writing dealing with social differences and the importance of selfconfidence » A friendship that goes beyond social barriers

Physically the two friends Samir und Jacob look confusingly similar, but in fact they are coming from totally different worlds in completely different parts of Berlin. Whereas Jacob grows up very well protected and in with wealthy parents, Samir is living in an environment where the right of the mighty one is ruling. When Jacob shall be sent to an elite boarding school by his parents but absolutely wants to stay with his big love Fine, Samir and Jacob just switch their lives: Samir takes Jacob’s place at the boarding school and tries to find out more about his kidnapped father, whereas Jacob moves in with Samir’s family. These switched roles don’t go without a lo of trouble and nearly end a in a complete mess, but finally Samir gets a drive for school and Jacob starts to take responsibility for his own life, much to the surpise of their parents.

›I'll count to three. One, …‹

›Wait!‹, Jacob was playing for time, because out of the corner of his eye, he could see his friend Samir climbing the ladder of the diving platform. At first, he had only seen his neon yellow swimming trunks, identical to those he himself was wearing; they had bought a pack of two and were amused that at first glance—when they were dressed the same—everyone took them for twins, although they only looked very similar. They both had glossy black hair, a tanned complexion and the same slim figure.«

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Published 2017-09-01 by Knesebeck Verlag , ISBN: 9783957280633

Main content page count: 240 Pages

ISBN: 9783957280633