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Susanne Simor
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The little Guide for Wagner-Lovers

Enrik Lauer Regine Müller

Ten lessons for beginners and advanced

With this informative and entertaining breviary you are prepared for all encounters with Wagner, his music and his disciples. During Lohengrin breaks you can explain why the search for King Ludwig's Swan Boats is in vain. With Wagner lovers one can discuss the concept of Tristan and with psychoanalysts about oedipal entanglements in the Ring. Moreover, you will learn what to wear when attending a Meistersinger premiere - and why you don't have to grovel for a Parsifal ticket.
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Published by C.H.Beck

Main content page count: 261 Pages


"After reading it, one can well imagine oneself on a par with the current Wagner debates." Harald Eggebrecht, Süddeutsche Zeitung

"A pointedly worded, sparkling reference for [all] who want to participate and have a say."