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Knesebeck Verlag
Marc-Frederic Schmid
Original language

The Little Whywolf

Sylvia Englert Sabine Dully

/// Highly imaginative answers for children who ask a lot of questions.

Finn loves going to school, if it weren’t for the boring walk there. But what amazing luck – a little wolf has latched onto him to keep him company on the walk to school. Why does he bombard him with so many questions? Because he’s a Whywolf! And Finn as it so happens is a born storyteller. He explains why humans only have two arms and tells his inquisitive friend where to find the tastiest meat-ball trees. He’s got all the answers and can even answer the oldest question of all – why are bananas bent?

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Published 2016-08-01 by Knesebeck Verlag , ISBN: 9783868738872

Main content page count: 112 Pages

ISBN: 9783868738872