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Chris Wilson Bret Witter

My Jorney from Life in Prison To a Life of Purpose

Chris Wilson`s inspiring story from convicted murderer to returning citizen to thriving business owner and successful member of society.
Chris Wilson burst onto the scene when his "Stoop Story" went viral. Today, Chris is a thriving entrepreneur, mentor and speaker with a message reflected in the pages of his book, THE MASTER PLAN. Building on the successes of such diverse voices as Shaka Senghor, Wes Moore and Ta-Nahisi Coates, Chris Wilson aims to demonstrate that anything is possible with hard work and vision.

At eighteen, Chris Wilson was convicted of murder and sentenced to life in prison with no hope of parole. 16 years into his sentence, he was releasednot out of luck or any new information pertaining to his arrest, but because he had implemented something he called The Master Plan. This Master Plan laid out his goals, both long-term and short-term, and the steps he needed to take in order to achieve them. After spending half his life behind bars, Chris was released and finally able to start acting on some of the bigger items on his list. THE MASTER PLAN tells Chris' inspiring story from convicted murderer to returning citizen to thriving business owner and successful member of society.

Powerfully moving, surprisingly accessible and incredibly timely, THE MASTER PLAN introduces a new voice to the most important conversation of our time.

CHRIS WILSON lives in Baltimore, Maryland, and is the owner and founder of the Barclay Investment Corporation, a multi-service social enterprise, specializing in residential and commercial contracting work. Barclay works closely with local workforce and social service providers to connect unemployed Baltimore City residents with clients who are in need of services. His other business ventures include the House of DaVinci, a high-end furniture restoration and design company, and Master Plan Productions, a social impact content development company. Chris has been featured on CNN Money, Now What with Ryan Duffy, Breakout, and Stoop Stories, and in Baltimore Magazine, among many others. He has received the Presidential Volunteer Service Award.

BRET WITTER has co-authored seven New York Times bestsellers since becoming a full-time writer in 2007 (plus one uncredited in 2003), including two #1 bestsellers. His books have sold 3 million copies worldwide and spent almost two years on the New York Times bestseller list. He lives in Decatur, Georgia.
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Published 2019-02-05 by Putnam


Published 2019-02-05 by Putnam


The author's passionately written memoir, infused with all the frustrations of making mistakes and seeking atonement, will give hope to readers who find themselves involved, to any degree, with the long road from incarceration to freedom. A smoothly written memoir steeped in positive reinforcement and hope for the future.

The Master Plan is less of a roadmap and more of a philosophy that we should all take to heart: we are all better than our worst decision, our sense of justice should honor the redemptive possibilities inherent in every person, and our destinies are truly intertwined.

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