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Mohrbooks Literary Agency
Sebastian Ritscher
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Jan Brett

A striking, under-the-sea version of Goldilocks and the Three Bears as only Jan Brett could create.
When Kiniro, the mermaid, comes upon a gorgeous house made of shells and coral, she can't resist going inside to have a look around. The octopus family is not at home, but the baby octopus's breakfast, chair, and bed are just right for Kiniro. The bed is so irresistible, she falls asleep. That makes for quite a surprise when the octopus return home. But the baby's shock at discovering a mermaid in her bed is forgotten when Kiniro gives her a very special gift.
Intricate, colorful scenes of an underwater paradise transport this classic fairy tale to a magical land inspired by the seas off the coast of Okinawa, Japan. Chock full of fish and fauna and adventure, this mermaid's story will enchant readers of all ages.

Jan Brett ( is the beloved bestselling author / illustrator of many books for children. She lives in Norwell, Massachusetts.
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Published 2017-08-22 by Putnam's Sons


Published 2017-08-22 by Putnam's Sons


THE MERMAID debuted at #3 on the New York Times Best Sellers List!!

In this dazzling remix, Brett sets "Goldilocks and the Three Bears" under the sea. Brett's brightly colored, highly detailed art shines in this aquatic setting as she embellishes the octopuses' dwelling with shells, coral, and tropical fish that swim in and out of the windows... Brett's fans will rejoice, and she'll make new ones, too.

Not only is this fractured fairy tale a delight to read, there is also an adorable side story skillfully told in the border art as only Brett can. Set in the waters off of the coast of Okinawa, this colorful picture book is exquisite.