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Morfemplus publishing
Peter Kealjic
Original language

The Mouse in Search of Cheese

Mojca Košmrlj Daša Simčič

translated into English by Jason Blake

Mouse’s tummy is rumbling, so she heads out in search of something to munch on. She finds something yellow sticking out of the ground. Cheese?! No. With her friend Bunny’s help, she yanks out a piece of plastic! The two travel onward and find something else that’s yellow. Cheese?! No. It’s just a piece of yellow paper. Owl hears the hungry mouse’s howls and comes to help her out. Soon they find yet another something that’s yellow. Cheese?! No. It’s just a yellow bottle. Nothing but waste. But what to do with it? It’s a good thing they come across Bear, who leads to a eco-island. There Mouse also sees a great big compost bin. She looks in and what a joy. Inside the bin there’s lettuce, carrots, ... and cheese! Finally she can eat until her tummy stops rumbling.
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Published by Morfem

Main content page count: 32 Pages