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Richard Paul Evans

( The Noël Collection #4)

After nearly two decades, Noel Post, an editor for a major New York publishing house, returns to her childhood home in Salt Lake City to see her estranged, dying father. What she believed would be a brief visit turns into something more as she inherits the bookstore her father fought to keep alive. Reeling from loneliness, a recent divorce, and unanticipated upheavals in her world, Noel begins receiving letters from an anonymous source, each one containing thoughts and lessons about her life and her future. She begins to reacquaint herself with the bookstore and the people she left behind, and in doing so, starts to unravel the reality of her painful childhood and the truth about her family. As the holidays draw near, she receives a Christmastime revelation that changes not only how she sees the past but also how she views her future.
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Published 2020-10-01 by Simon & Schuster


The Noel Letters is a cozy yet poignant portrait of personal awakening amidst the complexity of grief in estrangement. Evans' seasoned finesse with his characters' emotional growth makes Noel a relatable protagonist...A lovely read that beautifully contrasts the mistruths of memory and the redemptive power of new beginnings. -- Booklist

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Chock-full of holiday spirit -- This enjoyable Yuletide tale deserves a place under many a Christmas tree. --Kirkus Reviews

The Noel Letters enters the New York Times Print Hardcover Best Sellers list at #7!

Evans is known for helping his readers find hope and healing. In this book, he helps the reader look at their past differently...The Noel Letters is a modern-day Christmas Carol; an incredibly important message in our polarized and intolerant world. Psychology Today