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Ryan Holiday

The Timeless Art of Turning Trials into Triumph

A guide to overcoming adversity by drawing on the wisdom of the ancient Stoics.
The great Athenian orator Demosthenes was born with a speech impediment and was robbed of his life savings as a child. Samuel Zemurray was a poor roadside fruit peddler when he set out to conquer the behemoth United Fruit Company. Andrew Carnegie was born in a one-room cottage in Scotland; when his family emigrated to Pennsylvania, they were in debt and had no connections.

We love their stories, and those of others—Lincoln, Jobs, Grant, Rommel—who overcame the tremendous obstacles that life set in their path. Now Ryan Holiday explores the set of philosophical principles that have guided people toward success in the face of adversity throughout human history.

Building on the wisdom of the ancient Stoics and a rich trove of examples throughout history and literature, he shows readers how to turn their obstacles into advantages. He illustrates the three critical steps:

* Looking at our problems the right way.
* Finding the energy and creativity to break them down and turn them into opportunities.
* Cultivating the inner will to handle defeat and difficulty.

Holiday sums up these interdependent, interconnected disciplines as Perception, Action and Will. As he puts it, “Difficulties are actually opportunities to test ourselves, to try new things, and ultimately, to triumph. The obstacle IS the way.” Ryan Holiday, the author of the Wall Street Journal bestseller Trust Me, I'm Lying and the recent e-special Growth Hacker Marketing, is a media strategist for notorious clients such as Tucker Max and Dov Charney. After dropping out of college at 19 to apprentice under Robert Greene, author of The 48 Laws of Power, he went on to advise many bestselling authors and multiplatinum musicians. He is currently the director of marketing at American Apparel, where his work is internationally known. His campaigns have been used as case studies by Twitter, YouTube, and Google and written about in AdAge, the New York Times, Gawker and Fast Company.
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Published 2014-05-01 by Portfolio


Published 2024-10-01 by Portfolio


My life has been beset with obstacles. It takes practice (and pain) to surmount them and achieve success. Ryan’s book is a how-to guide for just that.

If you’re having a moment where you’re feeling a deep sense of struggle, frustration and inadequacy, you’ll want to have this book close at hand.

Follow these precepts and you will revolutionize your life. Read this book!

Ryan Holiday has written a brilliant and engaging book, well beyond his years. . . . It is invaluable.

Gweek podcast 145: American Apparel marketing director Ryan Holiday on stoicism Read more...

An absolute must-read.

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Interview & Review

Book Trailer

A book for the bedside of every future—and current—leader in the world.

First came Marcus Aurelius, then Frederick the Great . . . and now there’s you. This surprising book shows you how to craft a life of wonder by embracing obstacles and challenges.

In this tight, engaging book, Ryan Holiday shines a bright, powerful light on the path to living and leading well. Read it, learn from it, and get cracking!

Holiday's performance is commanding and optimistic, sure to inspire readers to take new perspective on their apparent obstacles.